Hilbert is a stallion with a lot of breed expression, he has a long vertical neck and a lot of feather. The body direction of Hilbert is horizontal with a good shoulder position, a strong topline and a good connection in the connections. The stallion has a long croup with a good position. Hilbert has quality full bone that is hard and dry.
Hilbert is a son of the low-related Haike 482 who performed well in the sport himself. The mother of Hilbert is the Ster mare Lys van Swichum, a daughter of Stendert 447. The grandmother is Ster mare Sietske Y. van Swichum, this is a daughter of Ielke 382. Then follows the Ster Preferente mare Ylse van Swichum, a daughter of Folkert 353, all of this mare's offspring that were approved at adulthood have been declared Ster. This concerns mare line 32.
Hilbert completed the Central Examination at the age of four. Hilbert is a pleasant horse to handle. He has a lot of learning ability, shows commitment and is a fine horse to work with and has a fine mouth. The walk is good in tact and has space, whereby he has a good use of body. Hilbert has a spacious trot in which he makes a lot of attitude and shows a nice silhouette. The gallop has a nice technique, is very upward with a good jump and imprint.
Under the saddle has Hilbert a good attitude and is easy to work with. The stallion has a good walk and also in the gallop he has a good quality of movement. When harnessed, he shows Hilbert see the same image, a powerful step, with a good attitude and workability. Hilbert has talent as a riding and driving horse, with his powerful walk, good attitude and ease of handling being particularly noticeable.
Hilbert is successfully brought out in the sport and has already achieved nice high scores in dressage, he will be brought out in the Z level this year.
Hilbert can, with its low relatedness (16.8%), make a positive contribution to greater blood distribution within the population.
Stud fee € 1100,- excl. VAT 21% and any shipping costs
Copyright De Terpen | Realization: Horsedesign.nl