Welcome to De Terpen

Welcome to De Terpen

Welcome to De Terpen

Welcome to De Terpen

Welcome to De Terpen

Deck and AI station De Terpen

For over 35 years we have been the trusted name in Wommels for the real Frisian quality horses. At De Terpen, love for the Frisian horse is central, with a focus on craftsmanship, tradition and a dedication to the preservation and improvement of this beautiful breed.

On our website you will find everything you want to know about our station: from our rich history and impressive stallions to an extensive collection of photos and videos. Be inspired by the power, elegance and beauty of our horses.

Do you have any questions or would you like more information? Use our contact form and we will be happy to help you. Together we work on the future of the Frisian horse!

Hilbert 529

Hilbert is a stallion with a lot of breed expression, he has a long vertical neck and a lot of feather. The body direction of Hilbert is horizontal with a good shoulder position, a strong topline and a good connection in the connections. The stallion has a long croup with a good position. Hilbert has quality full bone that is hard and dry.

Contact details

Deck & AI station De Terpen
from Sminialeane 48
8731 BH - Wommels

Rudy: 06-53194021
Wietske: 06-36534491

Copyright De Terpen | Realization: Horsedesign.nl

The Terps
We will respond as soon as possible